Why a Krudico Nitrate (NO3) Reduction System?
Krudico started research on Nitrates and the problems they created in the mid 1960's and introduced Nitrate Reduction Systems during the 1970’s. In the 1980's Nitrate Selective Resins were introduced increasing the efficiency of the technology. Present installations average over a 92% reduction of both Nitrates and Nitrites from a water supply.
When nitrate bearing water is passed through the media bed the nitrates are exchanged for chlorides attached to the resin. The resin now holds the nitrates as the chlorides are released and enter the water supply. After pre-set gallons of water has passed through the media the system is regenerated with sodium chloride (salt) or potassium chloride. Here the nitrates are flushed to waste and replaced on the resin by the new chloride ions. This process can be transferred back and forth thousands of times providing low cost quality water for years.
NOTE: There is no water softening effect from a Nitrate Reduction System. Krudico has residential water softeners that will work with the Residential Nitrate Systems.
Nitrates (N03) – Why do they cause a problem?
PEOPLE/BABIES: Nitrates, when ingested by an infant not yet on solid food, are converted to Nitrites (NO2) in the stomach and small intestine. As the nitrites pass though the small intestine wall and enter the blood stream the hemoglobin in the blood picks them up. The hemoglobin has a stronger attraction for nitrites than for oxygen and if enough nitrate contaminated water is consumed the baby begins to turn "blue" from oxygen starvation. This is where the term Cyanosis or "Blue Babies" come from.
As the babies complexion turns blue and blood turns into a brown or chocolate color, although it is infrequent, continued consumption of the water can result in death. If the infant is taken off of the nitrate water supply, normal color will return and other symptoms will vanish within 48 hours.
Nitrates in water normally do not affect older infants, children and adults, however, it is advised that pregnant women do not consume such water as the nitrates may pass through the blood stream to the fetus.
SWINE: Nitrates have long been suspected of creating a variety of problems for livestock and poultry production. Swine appear to be the most susceptible to nitrate contamination. High levels of nitrates appear to cause poor conception ratios, abnormally high abortion rates, increase mortality at farrowing along with scours and poor weight gains.
CATTLE: Nitrates have long been suspected of creating a variety of problems for livestock and poultry production. Swine appear to be the most susceptible to nitrate contamination. High levels of nitrates appear to cause poor conception ratios, abnormally high abortion rates, increase mortality at farrowing along with scours and poor weight gains.
Nitrates (N03) – EPA Nitrate Limitations
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) has set a Maximum Contaminate Limit (MCL) for nitrates of 10 mg/l when tested as NITROGEN. It is mandatory that public water supplies and/or public businesses provide drinking water under this limit. It is also suggested strongly that private homes also use this MCL as their guidelines.
Nitrates are the most common contaminate found in water not only in the United States but also many other countries that are heavy in agriculture. It is estimated that over one half million homes in the USA have drinking water supplies that exceed the level set by the USEPA.
Private and commercial wells that are in areas exposed to nitrate contamination should have their wells tested at least semi-annually with one test being done during the heavy rain season and the other during a dry period.
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